Continuing vocational training is now a must for private and public sector workers alike. Thanks to the availability of interprofessional training funds, inlingua School of Languages is in a position to organize courses for those seeking to use these funds for language learning purposes.

Funded continuing vocational training is a precious resource for firms wishing to remain competitive in today’s market, and language learning in particular is a sure-fire way of staying ahead of the game in the international scene. Both workers and managers can benefit from these high-quality training courses that are entirely free of charge.

In particular, inlingua School of Languages is able to design and present tailor-made group and/or individual language courses for firms, to be paid for by the interprofessional training fund.

The timetable and the content of such courses can be tailored to suit the particular needs of the firm and its employees, and there is no need to wait – courses can be up and running within a month!